
Global Data Server (GDS) is a powerful web server enhanced with
specific modules. GDS enables data publishing at the speed of light
and with unparalleled ease. Data of any type, such as text, number,
voice, photo, film and others, are exchanged like a mailbox with
timestamps. Data cells can be created, stored and accessed on GDS from
any device which supports IP protocols, using a web interface similar
to MS Explorer.
The Personal View Builder is a graphic editor that creates views from
data stored on GDS. Within seconds, you can design an easy-to-use,
personalized viewing application which includes elements such as text,
tickers or image files. Your finished product is stored on GDS, and
you can access it using a web browser or “The Viewer” – just by
selecting the stored view. The Personal View Builder can also be
configured to meet the needs of larger user groups or customized for
specific business requirements. |

The Viewer can be downloaded to mobile devices
with java script capability, or used from a desktop. The Viewer opens
your customized views which have been stored on GDS. You can use a
variety of applications to open The Viewer, and display live data
using, for instance, mapping or navigation utilities.
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